Premises Liability

Premises Liability

If you suffered serious injuries because of unsafe and dangerous property conditions, you may be entitled to recover damages.  To prove a premises liability case, you must first show that a hazardous condition on the property caused your injury.  A hazardous condition can be nearly anything from:

  • a collapsing balcony or staircase;
  • potholes in a sidewalk or walkway;
  • rotten or uneven stairs;
  • staircases that lack adequate handrails or lighting;
  • tree roots that create uneven sidewalks;
  • frayed or loose carpets,
  • split water, milk or grease on a supermarket or restaurant floor, or countless hidden dangers.

Next, you must show that the property owner or their maintenance personnel knew or should have known of the hazard but failed to do anything to mitigate or prevent the mishap.  You will likely not have this key piece of evidence without an experienced personal injury attorney on your side.  If you or your loved one have been injured on someone else’s property, either public or private property, call the Law Office of Eduardo Robles right away.  Don’t delay, your rights can be significantly curtailed if you do not act fast. 

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